Lauren Flyman, AKA Lauren Jumps, skipped her way to global notoriety after going viral when she discovered her natural talent for jump rope amidst gym closures
By Samantha Yardley
Picking up a skipping rope for the first time in April 2020 during the UK’s first lockdown, Lauren started sharing videos demonstrating the different moves she was learning from ‘Cross Straddles’ to ‘The Running Man’. Her videos soon went viral with the same gusto as the trend for baking soda bread, and she amassed a mind-blowing 450,000 followers across Instagram and TikTok as people searched for novel ways to work out from home.
“I started skipping just under a year ago, and I’ve learned some cool tricks,” begins Lauren coolly. “I’ve always been a really sporty person, and I discovered strength training around six or seven years ago.” A devout gym fanatic, COVID-induced restrictions soon found Lauren seeking new, more novel ways of keeping in shape. “When I didn’t have access to the gym, I discovered skipping.
“I can’t believe that when I went into lockdown, I hadn’t even picked up a rope before, and now we’re coming out with all this, and I’m inspiring loads of people to pick up a rope themselves”
“When I started this, my goals were always just to learn the tricks, and those are still my goals. There are loads of skills I still want to learn,” explains the social media sensation. “I realized skipping had become more than just a hobby when I went back to work after being furloughed, and it was so difficult to keep on top of everything going on. Shortly after that, I left my job, and now I can call skipping my full-time job, which is amazing.”
Having now achieved the accolade of professional jump roper, Lauren’s love of all things skipping is knot slowing down anytime soon. “My biggest goal is to spread the word about jump rope. I don’t think it’s been given enough airtime, so that’s what I’m trying to do. My biggest motivation has become the large community I’ve created over my social channels. So many people support my journey, and they help me show up every day.
“Now I can call skipping my full-time job, which is amazing”
“The best fitness advice I’ve ever received was to do something you enjoy and enjoy being fit and healthy. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t be able to sustain it and won’t want to do it every day. So, find something you love doing every day. People should start skipping for the same reason I did because it’s so much fun. And once they get started, they won’t be able to stop.
“When life returns to normal, I will quite simply continue skipping. I went into lockdown, having never skipped before. I’m coming out of it with all this skipping experience and knowledge. And I’m definitely going to continue doing it. Last year, I’d never picked up a rope, and now we’re coming out of lockdowns, and I’m in a situation in front of lights and cameras with my own skipping workout. It’s crazy!”
“My biggest goal is to spread the word of jump rope”
The skipping sensation has launched a brand-new skipping HIIT workout program, JUMP!, in collaboration with fitness expert and personal trainer Josh Tennant, which is available exclusively on community wellness and fitness app TRUCONNECT by TV.FIT. “My favorite thing about the TRUCONNECT app is the community aspect. I love that when you do a workout, you can share it and that when another person does a workout, you can see it and it inspires you to do that too. Health and fitness are really important to me because they make me feel. It’s my time away. It’s my time for myself. And it just makes me feel so good.
“I can’t believe that when I went into lockdown, I hadn’t even picked up a rope before and now we’re coming out with all this, and I’m inspiring loads of people to pick up a rope themselves. I wanted to create this workout program so that you guys could workout whilst learning some tricks, I can’t wait for you to try it!”
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